Song & Dance is a series of wildlife drawings inspired by walks in Liverpool’s Princes Park during the coronavirus pandemic. The series celebrates our local urban greenspaces by drawing attention to the songs of birds – depicted as sonograms – and the dance of honeybees – depicted as a map of the waggle-dance. These sketches draw upon both western 19th-century drawings and eastern prints, reflecting Liverpool’s multicultural history. With a background in scientific illustration, David Montagnes has spent the last 25 years working as an ecologist at the University of Liverpool.
About David
I’m a biologist at the University of Liverpool, where, for the last two decades, I have studied aquatic ecosystems and taught subjects ranging from biodiversity to scientific writing. As a young scientist I supported my education through art and illustration, describing new species and providing works for books and posters. Sadly, I let that lapse.
Liverpool’s vibrancy and iconic architecture have always attracted me and have been an inspiration, rekindling my artistic nature. In this recent work I’ve tried to capture the pleasure I take from living here. I hope you enjoy my work, as much as I enjoyed making it.